Privacy Policy

When you access, you accept our data protection policy.
Intec System ApS is obliged to protect our customers’, collaborators’ and others’ private information. We take great responsibility for the safety of your information. Below you can find information concerning the information we are gathering and how we use it.

We only gather personal data in the cases where this has relevance to us, and we will only gather personal data if it is relevant to your activity at Intec System ApS. By gathering, handling and using your personal data, we always comply with all the relevant legal guidance.

We will only store your personal data for as long as we are required to by legal obligation or as long as it is relevant to the intent, which they were gathered for.

The information we gather

Intec System ApS gathers and handles your personal data when you are doing the following:

  •  Visiting our website or online webshop
  •  Signing up for our newsletter
  •  Sending us questions, notifications of defects or job applications

We gather information such as cookies and the like. We are doing this to improve your user experience at our website.

Furthermore, we deliver non-personally identifiable information (completely anonymous data) to third party applications such as Google Analytics, Facebook and LinkedIn.

We gather personal data from you if you order products from our webshop, sign up for a webshop-account, participate in a survey or competition, sign up for our newsletter or when you contact us.

We will especially gather information in the following categories:

  1. Name, name of firm, CVR no., address of firm, e-mail address and phone number
  2. Information concerning your use of our website
  3. Oplysninger om din brug af vores website
  4. Locality, including the geographical locality of your computer or other unit, gathered in real time via GPS, Bluetooth and your IP-address, together with popular hotspots and cell towers’ locality, if you are using locality-based functions and turn on the locality-service setting on your computer/unit.

The data controller

The data controller responsible for gather, handling and application of your personal information at is:

Intec System ApS
Center Allé 6, 4683 Rønnede
CVR nr. 27956882

Basis of handling and purpose

We gather your regular contact information such as name and address in order to deliver the product you purchase with us. We gather your e-mail address in order to send you an order confirmation e-mail as well as a confirmation of delivery and an invoice.

We will use your e-mail address to send you our newsletter if you have given us your consent to use this during the process of registration, either on our webpage or by e-mail. You can at any time sign up for -or cancel- your subscription to our newsletter. All newsletters contain a link to cancel your subscription. If handling of personal data is based on your consent, you have, at all times, the right to withdraw your consent.

For how long do you keep my data?

By default, we do not delete your data manually after a certain time frame, unless you ask us to. Our information about you is anonymous so you will not be affected by it.

Other recipients of personal data

We do not sell your personal data to a third party. Neither do we transfer your personal data to third countries.

We use external companies as suppliers in order to deliver our services in the best possible way. External suppliers are data processing units, and in some cases, they handle personal data in relation to their delivery of services to us. Our data processing units are only handling personal data following our instructions and in compliance with legislative requirements for data processing units.

We have made contracts concerning handling of data with our data processing units, which is our guarantee that they adhere to present rules concerning protection of personal information.


We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect your data. We are GDPR compliant, which means that you can choose to not register your data, and you have the option to withdraw your consent at a later stage. At the same time, we limit data access and handling to very few authorized employees in a central, safe environment.

Notification of changes

In the case of changes to our data policy, users will be notified either on the website or by email so that you are always informed about which information we gather and how we process it.

Your rights

As the one registered, you have a series of rights that we at any time must ensure are being kept. You have the right to make the following requests:

  • To gain access to and to correct/change your personal data
  • To get personal data deleted

Furthermore, you have the right to protest about the handling of your personal data and to lodge a complaint to a data protection authority.

If you no longer wish for us to handle your personal information, or you wish you for us to limit the handling of your personal information, you can send us an e-mail to our e-mail address: