We are here when yourIT-products fail

Through our extensive IT-product assortment, you will quickly find the parts you need. If you should need any help, we are happy to obtain hard-to-find IT-products from our network of distributors.

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Our services

What can we do for you?

Intec System ApS is specialized in being a trustworthy supplier of original IT-products for the professional market,
with full manufacturer warranty. In response to customer demand, we stock and search for specific products
through our global network. We know that IT is business-critical, and we take pride in solving the task in a
quick and efficient manner.

Logistics and dispatching

We offer freight forward logistics solutions

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Personal service

We are specialists in procuring special

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Our vision
  • We deliver the extra service, which the customers expect.
  • We go the extra mile to bring our customers in front.
  • We provide for the professional partners of the market.
  • Our work is up-front, honest and undertaken with business acumen.
Our mission
  • We want to be the preferred partner of our customers.
  • We aspire to be the expert right-hand man of our customers.
  • Our goal is to turn complicated IT- trade and freight forwarding into a simple task.

First rate supplier of technology


Since the establishment of Intec System ApS in 2004, we have helped businesses procuring professional IT-products all over the world.

400+ customers

We have helped more than 400+ businesses with their technological challenges – and thus spared them from big economical loss.

Fair prices

Our prices are highly competitive and reflect our high level of service

Quick delivery

We stock most products and are able to deliver most products already by tomorrow

Big assortment

We have a big and extensive IT- product assortment, and we are able to source most products.

High level of service

When you are experiencing technical difficulties, we help you all the way through, as well as offer quick delivery