The Future of Delivery of Electronics
Fast delivery of professional IT-equipmentand efficient freight forward logistical solutions.

Professional IT-equipment
Experience our extensive product- and spare part assortment.
If we do not have it in stock, we will source it within 24 hours.
Contact us today.

Freight forward logistik
We are your professional partner for dispatchment
and distribution of your products. We manage your shipments door to door
in Denmark, Scandinavia, Europe and globally
About us
We deliver hard-to-find IT-equipmentwithin 24 hours
Intec System ApS is a value-added niche distributor within high-end IT products from leading manufacturers. Additionally, we offer a series of logistical solutions for our partners. We accept all tasks within dispatchment and handling of your IT products. We offer storage solutions with ‘pick&pack’ and consolidated shipment, where we gather your products from different contractors and ensure the final delivery to your customer.
Intec System ApS was established in 2004 and offers its products to professional partners in Denmark, Europe and globally. Intec System ApS is specialized in being a trustworthy supplier of original IT-products for the professional market with full manufacturer warranty.
Via our global network, we find and stock the product our customer is looking for. We know that IT is business-critical, and we take pride in solving problems quickly and efficiently.
Our many years of experience with the right partners assures you that you and your business have a good relation to customers as well as a good profit. In most cases, we are able to find the product you are searching for with very short notice. We deliver straight to you or your customer within 24 hours, regardless of wherever in the world the task is located.
Hard-to-find IT-equipment
We can source whateveryou need
We are stocking a wide selection of products from the biggest IT-manufacturers. Furthermore, we are capable of sourcing hard-to-find products. Through our network of partners, we offer quick and efficient delivery of IT products.
All of our products are delivered with manufacturer warranty. If the product is discontinued, we will source the products through the manufacturers’ own RENEW or SPAREPART programs.
Let us begin a collaboration.
Quick delivery of IT-equipment
Extensive IT-product line
We offer a complete product line within charging, storing and electrical products. Our extensive program is to be found in our online shop or by contacting us by phone or e-mail.
We offer everything within electrical products – sockets, cables and special constructions for office environments.
No challenge is too big or too small. Our mission is to help our customers with effective delivery and optimization of their margin.
Din kunde er også vigtig for os
Når en opgave er vigtig for din kunde, så er den også vigtig for os. Vi er vant til at yde en hurtig og effektiv ekspedering hos Intec System ApS og forstår det pres du og/eller din kunde er under når jeres forretning lider under fejlslåen IT. Derfor arbejder vi med lynets hast, for at imødekomme selv de mest specialiserede behov og kan som oftest få fragtet dine løsninger hjem på under et døgn – eller hurtigere. Tag en snak med os hvis teknologien fejler og lad os komme i mål hurtigt.
Our values
We understand your business
When IT-systems fails, it can be a costly affair. Order today and receive
your products within 24 hours.
We provide a great service and the best products on the market – all that for a highly competitive price. We value good and long-term partnerships, where tasks will be solved to full satisfaction.
At Intec System ApS, we bring focus to the things that brings value to our customers. Therefore, we are specialized in being a trustworthy supplier of original IT-products with full manufacturer warranty for professionals.